Your doctor is a local expert for the assessment and treatment of osteoporosis.

Some of our offices have a DEXA scanner used to measure your bone density, in order to test for osteoporosis and to help manage the treatment of osteoporosis.

There are helpful medications to use with exercise, calcium, and vitamin D to fight osteoporosis.

Is a bone density test painful?
No, bone density testing is completely noninvasive and painless. Most people find the test relaxing. You lie on a padded x-ray table while measurements of your spine and hip are performed and nothing touches you.
How long does the test take?
The test itself usually takes only 15 minutes. We schedule 30 minute appointment times to take care of paperwork and other preparations.
Does my insurance cover bone density testing?
Many insurance carriers cover bone density testing for specific reasons, those reasons vary according to medical history and/or condition. If you are unsure about coverage, contact your insurance carrier directly. The facility that performs the DEXA scan can help with your questions also.
How do I prepare for a DEXA scan?
Calcium supplements should not be taken for 2 days before a DEXA scan so that a slowly dissolving tablet doesn’t alter the test. It is best to wear clothing with no metal (snaps, zippers, clips, underwire, etc.) from your chest to your thighs. This would allow you to not need to change into a hospital gown for the test. It is also important that you have not had any other diagnostic tests that require the use of contrast media (barium, cat scan, etc.) within a week before your bone density test.
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